What to Expect
History of Evangel
Evangel was founded in 1937 and had it's first meeting in 1939. Since 1946, Evangel has been a part of the Assemblies of God, a world-wide Spirit-filled cooperative fellowship that serves Jesus Christ as Lord with a passion to reach the lost all around the world.
In the mid-1960s, a group of faith-filled believers bought the plot of land on the northwest side of Milwaukee where our church stands today still. They turned a farm field into a place for a church, and in 1968, Evangel Assembly of God was born. The early church members of Evangel worshiped in the sanctuary that is now our chapel, but they soon outgrew that space! Under Pastor Joel Pavia, a new sanctuary was built, and in the late 80s/early 90s, we added a gymnasium and more rooms for Sunday School and other classes.
In 2001, Pastor Jay Fischer started as our youth pastor, and in November 2005, he became our lead pastor and has been leading Evangel faithfully for over 20 years now. With a heart for connecting people, seeing the church grow, and reaching the community where Evangel is, Pastor Jay and the believers at Evangel are continuing the mission that was started here 55 years ago.
As You Enter
When you walk up to our doors, we want to make you feel like you are at home. Expect to be welcomed and given a handout which contains information about upcoming activities in the church and that week's sermon note sheet. Our greeters at the doors are there to welcome you, answer any questions you may have, and show you around our building and introduce you to a Pastor. If you have children K-5th grade, we'll help you check them in at the check-in location in the lobby and bring you to our age-specific World Changers space. And if you have a child ages 0-4, they can be brought to our Frog Pond through the doors to the right of the lobby.
Worship Service
Our worship services are designed for all people, no matter what stage of faith they are in, to be able to worship God and learn more about Him. During every service, we sing contemporary and traditional, God-centered worship songs and listen to a message from our lead Pastor or another church leader/pastor containing Biblical truths which are applicable to your life situation.
We also recognize the sacrifice of Jesus every first Sunday of the month by observing Communion. If you are a believer of Christ, you are welcome to participate in Communion. The bread and the juice are wrapped individually and made available before each service.
There will be a Connection Card in the seat pocket in front of you, which we'd love for you to fill out. We will use this information to get to know you better and help you find ways to get involved. Following the service, please bring your Connection Card to the Guest table in the lobby where we have a special gift waiting for you. You can also fill out an e-Connect Card here.
What to Wear
We are a mult-ethnic and multi-generational church, so everyone comes wearing what they feel comfortable coming to church in. You'll feel at home whether you are wearing your favorite jeans or something more dressy. God doesn't care what you wear, and neither do we!
Which entrance should I come in through when I arrive?On Sunday mornings or for other weekday prayer & services, the main entrance under the carport; on weekdays during office hours, the office entrance facing Good Hope Rd; for gym activities, the gym entrance at the north end of the building.
How long does the service last?Sunday morning services: 1st service - 8:30-9:45 AM 2nd service - 10:00-11:15 AM Wednesday night Bible study & activiites - 6:30-7:45 PM Other services, classes, prayer meetings, etc. vary depending on the event.
Are the services available online?Yes! Both our 8:30 & 10 AM services are live streamed to our Youtube channel and Church Online (evangelassemblyofgod.online.church) which can be found under the Sermons tab. The services remain available to be viewed after the service has ended on our channel.
When does kids church take place?World Changers takes place during the 10 AM service only, and this is for kids in K5-5th grade. They meet in the large Kids Room on the lower level for a service designed specifically for their age group. On the last Sunday of every month, kids will start the service in the sanctuary with their parent before being dismissed downstairs after the BGMC offering (around 10:25 AM) Our nursery is open during both services for children ages 0-4. Parents are able to keep their children with them during the services, or parents may sit in the lobby with their child if needed & watch service from the lobby TV.
Where should I bring my kids on Sunday mornings?After checking in your child at the check-in station in the lobby, kids can be dropped off on the lower level in the Kids' wing. On the last Sunday of every month, all kids start in the sanctuary for worship and are dismissed after BGMC offering to kids service. If you have a child ages 0-4, you can bring them to our nursery located to the right of the lobby when you enter the building.
Is the nursery open?YES! Our nursery is open and available for kids from birth - age 4 during both the 8:30 & 10 AM services. Changing tables are available both in the nursery and the family restroom off the lobby on the upper level.
Is the church wheelchair & handicap accessible?We have handicap parking available to the right of the carport, and our main entrance is wheelchair accessible. We also have a family bathroom off the lobby that is wheelchair accessible. If you need a wheelchair when you arrive, please ask a greeter and we can bring you one. We have an elevator to take you between floors; it is located behind the sanctuary. The gym is also wheelchair accessible through the doors to the right of the main gym doors.
What COVID precautions are in place at the church?We have several steps in place to prevent the spread of COVID & keep our church family safe: 1. 2 service times on Sundays 2. Masks are not required but are available upon entry & hand sanitizer stations are throughout the building. Please ask a greeter at the entrance for a face mask if you would like one. 3. Communion (which is taken on the first Sunday of every month) is available in the lobby for people to pick up themselves, and it comes in individually wrapped cups with the bread & juice sealed in the same cup 4. Continued cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces
Am I able to rent space at the church?No, we do not rent out space in our church or our gym. If you have a question about this, please contact the church office at (414) 353-6440.